Definition of a novel breast tumor-specific classifier based on secretome analysis

Keywords:Breast cancer; Breast tumor-specific signature; Juxta-tumor; Secretome; Tumor.
浏览次数:6 分享:

Philémon Sirven # , Lilith Faucheux # , Maximilien Grandclaudon , Paula Michea , Anne Vincent-Salomon , Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou , Alix Scholer-Dahirel , Maude Guillot-Delost # , Vassili Soumelis #

  • Breast Cancer Res
  • 7.4
  • 2022 Dec 20;24(1):94.
  • Human
  • MSD
  • 肿瘤
  • TGF-β1,TGF-β2,TGF-β3




Background:During cancer development, the normal tissue microenvironment is shaped by tumorigenic events. Inflammatory mediators and immune cells play a key role during this process. However, which molecular features most specifically characterize the malignant tissue remains poorly explored.
Methods:Within our institutional tumor microenvironment global analysis (T-MEGA) program, we set a prospective cohort of 422 untreated breast cancer patients. We established a dedicated pipeline to generate supernatants from tumor and juxta-tumor tissue explants and quantify 55 soluble molecules using Luminex or MSD. Those analytes belonged to five molecular families: chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, metalloproteinases, and adipokines.
Results:When looking at tissue specificity, our dataset revealed some breast tumor-specific characteristics, as IL-16, as well as some juxta-tumor-specific secreted molecules, as IL-33. Unsupervised clustering analysis identified groups of molecules that were specific to the breast tumor tissue and displayed a similar secretion behavior. We identified a tumor-specific cluster composed of nine molecules that were secreted fourteen times more in the tumor supernatants than the corresponding juxta-tumor supernatants. This cluster contained, among others, CCL17, CCL22, and CXCL9 and TGF-β1, 2, and 3. The systematic comparison of tumor and juxta-tumor secretome data allowed us to mathematically formalize a novel breast cancer signature composed of 14 molecules that segregated tumors from juxta-tumors, with a sensitivity of 96.8% and a specificity of 96%.
Conclusions:Our study provides the first breast tumor-specific classifier computed on breast tissue-derived secretome data. Moreover, our T-MEGA cohort dataset is a freely accessible resource to the biomedical community to help advancing scientific knowledge on breast cancer.
Keywords:Breast cancer; Breast tumor-specific signature; Juxta-tumor; Secretome; Tumor.
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