Simultaneously Targeting Two Coupled Signalling Molecules in the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Support Efficiently Sensitises the Multiple Myeloma Cell Line H929 to Bortezomib

Keywords:BAY11-7082; HKPS; NF-κB; PKC; bortezomib; cell adhesion; drug susceptibility; mesenchymal stem/stromal cells; microenvironment; multiple myeloma.
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P M Rojas-Zambrano , J E Meyer-Herrera , P F Ruiz-Aparicio , J P Vernot

  • Int J Mol Sci
  • 0.582
  • 2023 May 2;24(9):8157.
  • Human
  • 抗体芯片
  • 神经系统
  • 干细胞
  • 骨髓瘤, 多发性骨髓瘤




Several studies have shown that diverse components of the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment play a central role in the progression, pathophysiology, and drug resistance in multiple myeloma (MM). In particular, the dynamic interaction between BM mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) and MM cells has shown great relevance. Here we showed that inhibiting both PKC and NF-κB signalling pathways in BM-MSC reduced cell survival in the MM cell line H929 and increased its susceptibility to the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. PKC-mediated cell survival inhibition and bortezomib susceptibility induction were better performed by the chimeric peptide HKPS than by the classical enzastaurin inhibitor, probably due to its greatest ability to inhibit cell adhesion and its increased capability to counteract the NF-κB-related signalling molecules increased by the co-cultivation of BM-MSC with H929 cells. Thus, inhibiting two coupled signalling molecules in BM-MSC was more effective in blocking the supportive cues emerging from the mesenchymal stroma. Considering that H929 cells were also directly susceptible to PKC and NF-κB inhibition, we showed that treatment of co-cultures with the HKPS peptide and BAY11-7082, followed by bortezomib, increased H929 cell death. Therefore, targeting simultaneously connected signalling elements of BM-MSC responsible for MM cells support with compounds that also have anti-MM activity can be an improved treatment strategy.
Keywords:BAY11-7082; HKPS; NF-κB; PKC; bortezomib; cell adhesion; drug susceptibility; mesenchymal stem/stromal cells; microenvironment; multiple myeloma.
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