Immediate outcome prognostic value of plasma factors in patients with acute ischemic stroke after intravenous thrombolytic treatment

Acute ischemic stroke, Intravenous thrombolysis, NIHSS score, Plasma factors, Prognosis. 急性缺血性卒中, 静脉溶栓治疗, NIHSS评分, 血浆因子, 预后. LabEX支持文献
浏览次数:20 分享:

Huanhuan Lu, Siyi Li, Xin Zhong, Shuxuan Huang, Xue Jiao, Guoyong He, Bingjian Jiang, Yuping Liu, Zhili Gao, Jinhong Wei, Yushen Lin, Zhi Chen, Yanhua L

  • BMC Neurol .
  • 2022
  • 2.2
  • 22(1):359.
  • Human
  • Luminex
  • Blood
  • 神经系统
  • 急性缺血性卒中
  • IL-6, MMP-9, TNC, ADAMTS13


In the present study, we explored multiple plasma factors to predict the outcomes of patients with AIS after IVT. Fifty AIS patients who received IVT with alteplase were recruited and divided into two groups according to their NIHSS scores. Serum from all subjects was collected to quantitatively analyze the levels of different plasma factors, IL-6, MMP-9, ADAMTS13, TNC, GSN and TRX, using Luminex assays or ELISA measurements. Compared with the levels assessed at the onset of AIS, the levels of MMP-9 (P < 0.001), ADAMTS13 (P < 0.001), and TRX (P < 0.001) significantly decreased after IVT. The level of IL-6 was significantly increased in the NIHSS > 5 group at admission (P < 0.001) compared to the NIHSS ≤ 5 group. AIS patients with a poor prognosis had lower levels of ADAMTS13 at 72 h post-IVT compared with patients with a good prognosis (P = 0.021). IL-6 also was notably higher in the poor outcome group (P = 0.012). After adjusting for confounders, ADAMTS13 at 72 h post-IVT was an independent protective factor for prognosis in AIS patients with an adjusted OR of 0.07 (P = 0.049), whereas IL-6 was an independent predictor of risk for AIS patients with an adjusted OR of 1.152 (P = 0.028). IVT decreased MMP-9, ADAMTS13, and TRX levels in the plasma of AIS patients. Patients with a NIHSS score of less than 5 exhibited lower IL-6 levels, indicating that increased levels of IL-6 correlated with AIS severity after IVT. Therefore, IL-6 and ADAMTS13 might be useful plasma markers to predict the prognosis in AIS patients at 90-days after IVT.

LabEx Luminex平台助力研究急性缺血性卒中(AIS)患者的预后血浆因子标志物

本周为大家带来的文献为发表BMC Neurol. (IF:2.2)的” Immediate outcome prognostic value of plasma factors in patients with acute ischemic stroke after intravenous thrombolytic treatment”。本文使用了LabEx提供的Luminex检测服务。


中风是全球范围内导致死亡的主要原因,也是导致残疾的首要原因,其中缺血性中风约占80%的病例。 在狭窄的时间窗口内使用阿替普酶进行静脉溶栓治疗(IVT)是急性缺血性中风(AIS)的主要治疗方法。 然而,静脉溶栓对再通的益处是有限的。 在再通前,大脑组织中的缺血和缺氧会导致促炎性细胞因子释放增加,从而引发病理损伤,如血脑屏障破坏、大脑水肿和细胞死亡。 现有研究表明,神经炎症介导了神经元损伤,加重了脑缺血急性期的神经功能缺损。 众多研究报道,不同的炎症和心源性生物标志物(如IL-6和MMP-9)与缺血性中风及其功能预后密切相关。 因此,识别经过验证的血浆标志物来预测IVT后AIS的结局,对于帮助调整AIS患者的治疗策略至关重要。


为了探索可以用于预测IVT后AIS结局的潜在血浆标志物,研究者前瞻性地收集了AIS患者在IVT前后外周血,研究了以下血浆生物标志物:白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)、含有血小板结合蛋白第1型结构域的解整合素和金属蛋白酶13(ADAMTS13)、纤连蛋白C(TNC)、凝溶胶蛋白(GSN)和硫氧还蛋白(TRX)。 此外,还分析了IVT前后动态变化与疾病严重程度之间的关系,以及血浆标志物评估功能结局的预测价值。



在中风发作前(t0)、溶栓治疗后24小时(t1)和溶栓治疗后72小时(t2)采集血样。样本立即以3,000 g的速度离心15分钟(Thermo Scientific Haraeus Multifuge 3SR plus 离心机,美国),然后存储在-80°C直到分析。


IL-6、MMP-9TNCADAMTS13的水平通过使用Luminex R&D System试剂盒(Labex Bio,中国上海)测定,并按照制造商的说明进行操作。此方法使用了不同抗体因子共价交联到特定编码的微球上。每个编码的微球以不同比例染色不同的荧光染料,从而产生相应的荧光编码和检测。变异系数(CVs)分别为IL-60.56%MMP-90.58%TNC0.44%ADAMTS130.3%




急性缺血性卒中患者中,轻度疾病患者和重度疾病患者在不同时间点的IL-6 (a)MMP-9 (b)TNC (c)ADAMTS13 (d)TRX (e)GSN (f)的变化及组间差异。*p ≤ 0.01***p ≤ 0.001



研究招募了50名接受阿替普酶静脉溶栓治疗的AIS患者,并根据他们的NIHSS评分将其分为两组。通过Luminex检测或ELISA测定收集所有受试者的血清,定量分析不同血浆因子(IL-6MMP-9ADAMTS13TNCGSNTRX)的水平。与AIS发作时评估的水平相比,IVTMMP-9P<0.001)、ADAMTS13P<0.001)和TRXP<0.001)的水平显著下降。在入院时,NIHSS>5组的IL-6水平显著高于NIHSS ≤ 5组(P<0.001)。预后不良的AIS患者在IVT72小时的ADAMTS13水平低于预后良好的患者(P=0.021)。预后不良组的IL-6水平也显著更高(P=0.012)。在调整混杂因素后,IVT72小时的ADAMTS13AIS患者预后的独立保护因子,调整后的OR0.07P=0.049),而IL-6AIS患者风险的独立预测因子,调整后的OR1.152P=0.028)。IVT降低了AIS患者血浆中MMP-9ADAMTS13TRX的水平。NIHSS评分小于5的患者表现出较低的IL-6水平,表明IVTIL-6水平的增加与AIS的严重程度相关。因此,IL-6ADAMTS13可能是预测AIS患者在IVT90天预后的有用血浆标志物。


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