Exploratory trial of a biepitopic CAR T-targeting B cell maturation antigen in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma

multiple myeloma, 多发性骨髓瘤, chimeric antigen receptor modified T cells,经修饰的嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞, biepitope,双核, BCMA, cytokine release syndrome,细胞因子释放综合征 LabEX支持文献
浏览次数:18 分享:

  • Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
  • 2019
  • 11.1
  • 2019 May 7;116(19):9543-9551.
  • human
  • luminex
  • serum
  • 免疫/内分泌
  • 骨髓癌


Relapsed and refractory (R/R) multiple myeloma (MM) patients have very poor prognosis. Chimeric antigen receptor modified T (CAR T) cells is an emerging approach in treating hematopoietic malignancies. Here we conducted the clinical trial of a biepitope-targeting CAR T against B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) (LCAR-B38M) in 17 R/R MM cases. CAR T cells were i.v. infused after lymphodepleting chemotherapy. Two delivery methods, three infusions versus one infusion of the total CAR T dose, were tested in, respectively, 8 and 9 cases. No response differences were noted among the two delivery subgroups. Together, after CAR T cell infusion, 10 cases experienced a mild cytokine release syndrome (CRS), 6 had severe but manageable CRS, and 1 died of a very severe toxic reaction. The abundance of BCMA and cytogenetic marker del(17p) and the elevation of IL-6 were the key indicators for severe CRS. Among 17 cases, the overall response rate was 88.2%, with 13 achieving stringent complete response (sCR) and 2 reaching very good partial response (VGPR), while 1 was a nonresponder. With a median follow-up of 417 days, 8 patients remained in sCR or VGPR, whereas 6 relapsed after sCR and 1 had progressive disease (PD) after VGPR. CAR T cells were high in most cases with stable response but low in 6 out of 7 relapse/PD cases. Notably, positive anti-CAR antibody constituted a high-risk factor for relapse/PD, and patients who received prior autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation had more durable response. Thus, biepitopic CAR T against BCMA represents a promising therapy for R/R MM, while most adverse effects are clinically manageable.



多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma)是一种恶性浆细胞病称为浆细胞骨髓瘤,主要特征为免疫球蛋白或轻链过度生成,常伴随多发性溶骨性损害、高钙血症、肾脏损害等。该疾病具有和差的预后,本研究对17例复发难治性多发性骨髓瘤患者采取针对B细胞成熟抗原的CAR-T治疗(LCAR-B38M)进行干预,结果提示生物表位CAR - T对抗BCMA代表了一个有前途的治疗R/R MM的方法,而大多数不良反应在临床上是可以控制的。


文章中CAR – T研究数据展示:17个参与患者的临床和血液指标情况。





对17例患者的资料合并分析,在CAR - T治疗后1个月,15例患者获得了反应,1例无明显反应,另1例因严重的CRS/TLS而不幸早亡。在分析15例有反应患者的最大治疗效果时,13例达到了严格的完全缓解,2例达到了很好地部分缓解。在17例患者12至535天,8例(47.1%),包括7例sCR和1例VGPR,仍处于持续缓解状态,所有这些患者在CAR - t后持续缓解超过11个月,6例sCR后复发,1例VGPR后出现进展性疾病(PD),曲线显示无进展生存(PFS)率6个月时为 82.4%,12个月时52.9%。1年总生存率(OS)为82.3%。


患者RJ02 CAR-T治疗4个月后,浆细胞瘤明显减少,原发部位未见占位性病变;RI03患者,CAR-T治疗后,第19天皮肤肿块消失,6个月后肝脏占位性病变消失;



CAR-T治疗最常见的不良反应是细胞因子风暴,临床表现伴随显著上调的血清细胞因子谱。52.9%的患者出现1级以上肝功能障碍,主要表现为天门冬氨酸转氨酶升高。在LCAR-B38M治疗之后,我们通过luminex技术实时监测患者血清中IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α的表达,发现三种细胞因子均有升高趋势,其中IL-6上升最高。





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