Association of CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 with primary biliary cholangitis

CCL11, CCL24, CCL26, Primary biliary cholangitis,原发性胆道胆管炎, inflammation, 炎症,auto-immune disease,自身免疫疾病 LabEX支持文献
浏览次数:28 分享:

  • Int Immunopharmacol .
  • 5.6
  • 2019 Feb:67:372-377.
  • Human
  • MSD
  • serum
  • ,原发性胆道胆管炎


Background:CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 are potent chemokines for eosinophils. Since there has been no study reporting the association serum CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 with fibrotic progression of PBC, the aim of this study is to explore the association.

Methods:One hundred and eight PBC patients, 52 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and 50 healthy controls (HC) were recruited. The sera were detected for CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 using multiplex immunoassay. Other laboratory indicators were routinely measured. PBC was divided into four stages according to Scheuer's classification.

Results:Serum CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 levels were significantly higher in PBC patients than those with CHB and HC (P < 0.05). The ROC analyses showed that all of the three CCLs performed well for identification of PBC (all P< or =0.001). The multiple linear regression analysis showed an independent relationship of CCL26 with APRI and FIB-4 in PBC patients, but no relationship of CCL11 and CCL24 with fibrotic indicators. Additionally, serum CCL11 and CCL26 were negatively correlated with histological stage of PBC, while serum CCL24 showed no statistical correlation.

Conclusion:Serum CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 are upregulated in PBC. CCL11 and CCL26 are associated with fibrotic progression of PBC, but CCL24 is not.

LabEx MSD平台助力原发性胆汁性胆管炎的机制研究

本周为大家带来的文献为发表于Int Immunopharmacol. (IF: 5.6)” Association of CCL11, CCL24 and CCL26 with primary biliary cholangitis”。本文使用LabEx提供的MSD检测服务


原发性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)是一种原因不明的慢性自身免疫性肝病,以肝内胆管的炎性破坏为特征,主要影响中年女性。如果不及时治疗,病情可能发展为肝硬化、肝功能衰竭甚至肝癌。大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润 PBC 患者的肝门静脉,表明嗜酸性粒细胞可能在 PBC 中扮演重要角色。然而,嗜酸性粒细胞被招募到 PBC 门静脉的机制仍未明了。嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子属于 CC 趋化因子家族,包括 C-C motif 趋化因子配体 11CCL11)(嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子)、CCL24(嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子-2)和 CCL26(嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子-3)。这三种趋化因子是嗜酸性粒细胞的强效趋化诱导剂。由于尚未有研究报告血清中的 CCL11CCL24 CCL26 PBC 的纤维化进展有关,本研究的目的是探讨这三种趋化因子与 PBC 的纤维化进展之间的关系。研究人员招募了 108 PBC 患者、52 名慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者和 50 名健康对照组(HC)。使用多重免疫测定法检测血清中的 CCL11CCL24 CCL26。其他实验室指标也进行了常规测量。根据 Scheuer 的分类法,PBC 被分为四个阶段。



在采集静脉血样本后60分钟内分离血清,并在-80 °C温度下保存至使用。血清中的CCL11CCL24CCL26Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) 公司的多重免疫测定法按照生产商的说明进行测定。

PBC患者血清CCL11CCL24CCL26的中位水平分别为264.48 pg/mlIQR204.51-358.84 pg/ml)、4799.22 pg/mlIQR2274.54-7853.72 pg/ml)和32.68 pg/mlIQR23.23-44.86 pg/ml),明显高于CHB患者(中位数,IQRCCL11193.81133.65-242.84 pg/mlCCL241975.951155.44-2554.96 pg/mlCCL2628.9618.16-38.86 pg/ml)。 81133.65-242.84 pg/mlCCL241975.951155.44-2554.96 pg/mlCCL2628.9618.16-38.37 pg/ml)(均P0.05)和HC(中位数,IQRCCL11213. 79172.89-284.06 pg/mlCCL241878.651419.79-2236.92 pg/mlCCL2627.7718.51-36.88 pg/ml)(均 P <0.05)。CHB 患者与 HC 患者的三种 CCLs 均无明显差异。


不同人群的血清 CCL11CCL24 CCL26 水平。



  • 血清 CCL11CCL24 CCL26 PBC 中上调。
  • 血清 CCL11CCL24 CCL26 在鉴别 PBC 方面表现良好。
  • 血清 CCL11 CCL26 与纤维化进展呈负相关。

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