New Paradigms to Assess Consequences of Long-Term, Low-Dose Curcumin Exposure in Lung Cancer Cells

chemotherapy; curcumin; lung cancer; resistance.
浏览次数:22 分享:

Gintare Smagurauskaite, Jagdish Mahale, Karen Brown, Anne L Thomas, Lynne M Howells

  • Molecules
  • 4.6
  • 2020 Jan 16;25(2):366.
  • Mouse
  • 抗体芯片
  • 呼吸系统
  • 呼吸系统
  • 肿瘤细胞
  • 肺癌
  • AFP,ErbB4,MMP-2,Amphiregulin,FGF basic,MMP-3,Angiopoietin-1,FoxC2,MMP-9,ANGPTL4,FKHR,MSP/MST1,ENPP-2/Autotaxin,Galectin-3,MUC-1,AXL,GM-CSF,Nectin-4,BCL-X,HCG,Osteopontin,CA125/MUC-16,HGF R/c-Met,p27/Kip1,E-Cadherin,HIF-1alpha,p53,VE-Cadherin,HNF-3beta,PDGF-AA,CAP-G,HO-1/HMOX1,CD31/PECAM-1,CA-9,ICAM-1/CD54,Progesterone R,Cathepsin B,CD25/IL-2 R alpha,Progranulin,Cathepsin D,IL-6,Prolactin,Cathepsin S,CXCL8/IL-8,Prostasin,CEACAM-5,IL-18 Bpa,E-Selectin,Decorin,KLK-3/PSA,Maspin,DKK-1,KLK-5,PAI-1/Serpin E1,DLL-1,KLK-6,SNAIL,EGF R/ErbB1,Leptin (OB),SPARC,Endoglin/CD105,Lumican,Survivin,Endostatin,CCL2/MCP-1,Tenascin-C,Enolase 2,CCL8/MCP-2,THBS-1,eNOS,CCL7/MCP-3,TIE-2,EpCAM,M-CSF,UPA-1,ER-alpha,Mesothelin,VCAM-1,ErbB2,CCL3/MIP-1alpha,VEGF,ErbB3,CCL20/MIP-3alpha,Vimentin




Curcumin has been investigated extensively for cancer prevention, but it has been proposed that long-term treatments may promote clonal evolution and gain of cellular resistance, potentially rendering cancer cells less sensitive to future therapeutic interventions. Here, we used long-term, low-dose treatments to determine the potential for adverse effects in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. IC50s for curcumin, cisplatin, and pemetrexed in A549, PC9, and PC9ER NSCLC cells were evaluated using growth curves. IC50s were subsequently re-assessed following long-term, low-dose curcumin treatment and a three-month treatment withdrawal period, with a concurrent assessment of oncology-related protein expression. Doublet cisplatin/pemetrexed-resistant cell lines were created and the IC50 for curcumin was determined. Organotypic NSCLC-fibroblast co-culture models were used to assess the effects of curcumin on invasive capacity. Following long-term treatment/treatment withdrawal, there was no significant change in IC50s for the chemotherapy drugs, with chemotherapy-resistant cell lines exhibiting similar sensitivity to curcumin as their non-resistant counterparts. Curcumin (0.25-0.5 µM) was able to inhibit the invasion of both native and chemo-resistant NSCLC cells in the organotypic co-culture model. In summary, long-term curcumin treatment in models of NSCLC neither resulted in the acquisition of pro-carcinogenic phenotypes nor caused resistance to chemotherapy agents.Keywords:chemotherapy; curcumin; lung cancer; resistance.
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