The villain team-up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis alter innate immunity in concert

浏览次数:27 分享:

Fichorova RN, Buck OR, Yamamoto HS, Fashemi T, Dawood HY, Fashemi B, Hayes GR, Beach DH, Takagi Y, Delaney ML, Nibert ML, Singh BN, Onderdonk AB.

  • Sex Transm Infect.
  • 2013
  • 4.199
  • 14(8):15724-39.
  • Human,Mouse,Non-Human Primate
  • MSD
  • Cell culture supernatants
  • 免疫/内分泌
  • 其它细胞
  • IL-8, IP-10, RANTES




Diabetes significantly increases the risk of heart failure. The increase in advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and oxidative stress have been associated with diabetic cardiomyopathy. We recently demonstrated that there is a direct link between AGEs and oxidative stress. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate if a reduction of AGEs by overexpression of the glycation precursor detoxifying enzyme glyoxalase-I (GLO-I) can prevent diabetes-induced oxidative damage, inflammation and fibrosis in the heart. Diabetes was induced in wild-type and GLO-I transgenic rats by streptozotocin. After 24-weeks of diabetes, cardiac function was monitored with ultrasound under isoflurane anesthesia. Blood was drawn and heart tissue was collected for further analysis. Analysis with UPLC-MSMS showed that the AGE Nε-(1-carboxymethyl)lysine and its precursor 3-deoxyglucosone were significantly elevated in the diabetic hearts. Markers of oxidative damage, inflammation, and fibrosis were mildly up-regulated in the heart of the diabetic rats and were attenuated by GLO-I overexpression. In this model of diabetes, these processes were not accompanied by significant changes in systolic heart function, i.e., stroke volume, fractional shortening and ejection fraction. This study shows that 24-weeks of diabetes in rats induce early signs of mild cardiac alterations as indicated by an increase of oxidative stress, inflammation and fibrosis which are mediated, at least partially, by glycation.
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